Are you an IT professional on the lookout for exciting opportunities?
Your next project
Looking for your next rewarding project as an IT freelancer? AT Recruitment is the perfect partner to connect you to dynamic projects that can help you grow your career! Since 2004, we’ve been a trusted source in matching candidates with exciting projects in the industry.
Our team
Our team is dedicated to providing a fast and qualitative experience for both clients and freelancers. We go beyond just looking at your technical skills and evaluate whether or not you fit into the company culture, ensuring that each project is a memorable success and opens doors to many other opportunities.
Do not compromise on freelance freedom but find a faithful guide with experience in the world of IT. In our wide network you will find the most innovative organizations and the most interesting assignments. Ready to grow your portfolio and career to the fullest?
Way of working
Start-up support
We’re dedicated to nurturing and empowering freelancers at every stage of their journey, whether you’re an experienced freelancer or just starting out. We believe in continuous learning and development, which is why we regularly organize a range of events and informative sessions tailored specifically to freelancers.
Are you unsure if becoming a freelancer is for you? AT Recruitment partnered with PKF, who developed a special program to make the difficult beginning a little easier. This way you will quickly discover the challenges and opportunities of your entrepreneurship.
Find out below what you will learn about a possible freelance career in this program.
How does it work?
PKF provides in-depth insights into the world of freelancing, empowering you with a clear understanding of its complexities and helping you take confident steps on your freelance path.
Starting a freelance business can be daunting, but PKF has got your back. From choosing the right business name to handling accounting and everything in between, consider them your personal guide on this adventure.
Navigating the legal aspects, from tax implications to contracts and more. Their support covers the entire freelance spectrum, ensuring you have the legal guidance and expertise you need to succeed.
Let us work for you!
Do you have a specific question? Please contact us and together we will see how we can help you further.